Very good.
Design and craftsmanship as always excellent.
In my opinion the best design for anyone who wants to carry multiple accessories with their Leatherman. I carry 10 extra bits, a Volty Switch and the Leatherman ratchet and it works so perfectly together. It feels very durable, and both the tool and accessories feel secure enough that I'm not worried I'll lose anything.
I have purchased two other sheaths from ZAP Wizard before and though I liked them, I never truly loved them. Not sure if it was the open design or what, I just felt like my multi tool was exposed and never felt secure. I was hoping this time, with this newer closed/armored design, it would feel different but unfortunately, it didn't. There just wasn't ANY chemistry between me and the sheath. Right from the start, it didn't feel right on my side. I know, that is a me problem. I wear a multitool EVERY single day of the week no matter if I am at work or at home. I cannot remember when I didn't wear one dating all the way back to the very first Leatherman design. Before Leatherman, I was a Swiss Army wearing guy. Without my tools, I almost feel like Millennials feel about not having their smart phones, like a piece of you is missing.
I purchased the version for the 7/11 ratchet and the Leatherman bit driver. Both had to be filed slightly with jewelers files to allow for the tools to be able to removed/resheathed without needing to pry /push the tools loose or in place every time I wanted to access them. THAT can be explained to the manufacturing process since these are 3D printed and not injection molded. The sintered material they are made of is super hard and rigid which means they will last quite a long time and stand up to less than agile people, such as myself, bouncing them off of various objects without easily breaking. No doubt, these are some seriously bomb proof holsters and like I said, I wanted to love this sheath as I love the design but alas, it was not meant to be.
Overall, Zap did an excellent job in his design for the type of sheath that it is. I think for me it was an aesthetics issue as I wear my multitools horizontally and like a low profile feel to them without advertising I am wearing one. Within the first couple of days, I noticed I was banging the sheath off of just about everything I came close to. Whether it was the chair at my desk or walking past equipment in the shop where I work, it never felt "tucked" to my side. Now, please understand, this doesn't mean it is a bad sheath in any way, it just means it isn't a low profile "soft" sheath like I am used to and I just couldn't get past that. I bumped/rubbed it against enough stuff to wear/chip some of the outer black surface off of the sheath. Yeah, I am probably just normally that unbalanced that I never noticed bumping/rubbing my Cordura sheath into things but I also never heard my Cordura sheath make an audible noise when it bumped or rubbed against something either so when I heard it, I would stop and inspect to make sure both the sheath and multitool were in one piece.
So for now, my new Leatherman Arc rests comfortably in its new Raine horizontal Cordura sheath. Protected from my inability to not run into/up against various pieces of equipment and furniture around me as I go throughout my day. Maybe one day, I will find a rigid sheath that I like.
I would still recommend this sheath to someone wanting an armored feeling, rigid sheath for their arc and accessories.
Works awesome, holds everything securely.